Juice Glossary
Agent: The software component running on a machine that shares its GPU resources with the Juice system.
Client: The software component that users install on their local machines to connect to and use remote GPUs.
Labels: Key-value pairs attached to Agents (GPU-hosting machines) to categorize and organize them based on specific attributes.
M2M (Machine-to-Machine) Token: A secure authentication method used for automated processes or long-running tasks in Juice, allowing access without interactive user login.
Match Labels: Criteria used when creating sessions to ensure that the session is assigned to an Agent with specific labels.
Organization: The top-level entity in Juice, typically representing a company, institution, or department. Organizations can contain multiple pools and users.
Pool: A group of shared GPUs within an organization. Pools are used to organize and manage GPU resources and control user access.
Session: An active connection between a user and a shared GPU, established when a user runs an application or requests GPU resources.
Taints: Attributes applied to Agents to repel certain workloads unless they explicitly tolerate the taint, used for specialized hardware or compliance requirements.
Tolerations: Specifications used when creating sessions to allow workloads to run on Agents with specific taints.
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